Common Invaders

When to Call?

If you’ve found yourself in the unfortunate position of having an angry opossum or nest of swallows in your house, you have our sympathy. Dealing with critters can seem like a huge undertaking. Whether you are a first-time home owner, an experienced entrepreneur, or somewhere in between, you may be overwhelmed. Don’t worry. Rest easy. At Humboldt Termite & Pest, we got you covered.

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You may think of squirrels as a problem in big cities or other parts of the country. Or maybe you think of the cute ground squirrels scuttering across the forest floor as you hike. Regardless, these critters come in all shapes and sizes and are found across the United States. They are rodents, but the most common ones you see climb trees and race across branches as they leap from branch to branch. Which ones are local to Humboldt & Del Norte County?

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With feathers, beaks and hollow bones, birds are some of the most beautiful and diverse animals in the world. They chirp, whistle, hoot, caw, and screech. From hummingbirds to condors, they come in every shape and size imaginable. Their diets range from seeds and insects to small rodents and even other birds. Regardless of whether you love of fear them, birds can be great companions or a complete nuisance.  Especially if they’ve decided to nest in or on your home.

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Possum or Opossum? The white-faced animal playing dead around your house or business is the common opossum. It is a nocturnal marsupial that scavenges for its food. From carrion to fruit and seeds, opossums take what they can get. However, they prefer to eat snails, beetles, and more common pests. Their diet also includes lots and lots of ticks, preventing the spread of Lyme disease, so they aren’t complete nuisances.

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Some find them disgusting. Others think they’re cute enough to be pets! These black and white striped animals are distantly related to weasels, badgers, and otters, but are unique enough to be in their own family scientifically speaking. So long as they’re not dealing with a nosy dog, these critters mind their own business.

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Pests In Season

Check out these identification guides and DIY tips for pests you’ll see this time of year.

  • While some may find ants amazing, they most certainly aren't welcome in our homes. Learn how to protect your home against them.

  • Bed bugs ruin the sacred location we lay down to rest. They are foul critters that can cause sleepless nights and quickly infest an entire home. Learn how we can help you rest easy - bed bug free. 

  • While we love everything that bees do for our flowers, we must admit that at the end of the day we don't exactly want their nests to be surrounding our homes. Learn how we can help you deal with your bee & wasp nests.

  • While they are fascinating to watch, study, and learn about, beetles can also be incredibly destructive to homes. They aren't considered welcome guests at the dinner table, and beetles can open the door for other pests to flood in. Learn how we can help stop them before they find their way inside. 

  • Cockroaches can be extremely destructive, damaging your home and hurting your investment. If you suspect an infestation call a pest inspector ASAP.

  • Fleas are small and absolutely catastrophic if they infest your furry little friends. Learn how to we can help you prevent your home from being overrun with these pests. 

  • Fungi can be incredibly dangerous to the structural integrity of your home. Do not wait to have regular inspections to make sure your home is rot free. Learn some DIY prevention techniques and how we can help. 

  • Not all mice are as happy and friendly as Mickey Mouse. Frankly put mice are pretty gross pests to have within your home. Learn how we can help keep those mice away. 

  • Not all rats are like Remy from Ratatouille. In fact the vast majority are simply not clean, and because of this we don't want them running around our homes. Learn how we can help keep those rats away.

  • Sowbugs themselves aren't typically too much of an issue, but they can be a sign that there maybe other pests that have found their way inside your home. Learn how to combat sowbugs and protect your home. 

  • Love them or hate them, spiders are typically considered unwelcome guests within our homes. Contact us today and learn how to keep these critters outside.

  • Everything you need to know to protect yourself from the pests. Learn DIY tips for pest prevention, and discover how our professional team can help give you the peace of mind you deserve. 

  • Ticks are gross. That's perhaps the most polite way to sum them up. They infest our furry pets and can spread diseases quickly. Learn how to stop them before they cause chaos. 

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